SPLASH 2016 (series) / Bernd Fischer
![Bernd Fischer](https://2016.splashcon.org/getProfileImage/berndfischer/bced6ebc-71eb-467d-9b2e-da47ee61d832/small.jpg?1711544600000)
Registered user since Sun 12 Jul 2015
Name:Bernd Fischer
Bernd Fischer is professor in the Division of Computer Science at Stellenbosch University. His research area is automated software engineering, in particular logic-based (in the broadest sense) techniques. He has worked on specification-based component reuse and program synthesis; his work now focusses on program verification, in particular software model checking. He previously worked at TU Braunschweig, NASA Ames Research Center, and University of Southampton.
Country:South Africa
Affiliation:Stellenbosch University
Personal website: http://www.cs.sun.ac.za/~bfischer/
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