Registered user since Mon 7 Mar 2016
Bernhard Schätz received his Ph.D. and Habilitation degree in Informatics from the Technische Unversität München. At the fortiss Research and Transfer Institute associated with the Technische Universität München, he leads the research department “Software & Systems Engineering” with the fields of Analysis and Design of Dependable Systems, Optimized Design Space Exploration, Model-Based Engineering Tools, with Smart Grid, Automotive, and Automation as fields of application.
Bernhard Schätz specifically works on the use of formally-based modeling techniques for the specification and verification of cyber-physcisl mixed-criticality functional-safety systems. Topics included functional safety, front loading of verification and validation, automated design space exploration techniques in doing space exploration, all with a specific focus on increasing the efficiency of the development process by tool-support. This work has been published in several safety- as well as automotive/aerospace-related conferences, including MODELS, FME (Formal Methods Europe Conference) NASA Formal Methods, DAC (Design Automation Conference), SAE (Annual Conference of the Society of Automotive Engineers), ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering), or SEFM (Software Engineering and Formal Methods).
Bernhard Schätz has also acted as member of several program committees in the field of functional safety, including SAFECOMP (Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security), FMICS (Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems), or SIES (International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems). He was the Co-Chair of the MODELS 2013 Conference, the FACS 2009 Symposium. He also was a Co-Organizer of the Dagstuhl Seminars on Developing Certifiable Medical Devices, of Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems, and Cyber-Physical Systems. Furthermore, he is a member of the Editorial Board of the Springer Journal of Software and Systems Modeling.
Besides his scientific activities, he acts as Lecturer at the Technische Unversität München, he is co-founder and member of the advisory board of the Validas AG, and works as a consultant (incl. BMW, Bosch, Eurocopter) in the field of Software and Systems Engineering.
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