SPLASH 2016 (series) / Christian Dirschl

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Name:Christian Dirschl
Christian Dirschl is Chief Content Architect and head of Content Strategy and Architecture at Wolters Kluwer Germany. He is responsible for the content structures, metadata, taxonomies, and thesauri within Wolters Kluwer Germany. He manages text mining and automatic topical classification projects. He also represents Wolters Kluwer Germany in international research projects like LOD2, ALIGNED or WDAqua. Christian has worked with Wolters Kluwer Germany since 2001. Before that, he worked as an international IT consultant in several software companies. Christian has a Master of Arts degree in Information Science from the University of Regensburg. He is based in Munich, Germany.
Affiliation:Wolters Kluwer, Germany
Personal website: http://solutions.wolterskluwer.com/blog/author/christian-dirschl/
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