SPLASH 2016 (series) / Lucas Morais

Registered user since Mon 3 Oct 2016
Name:Lucas Morais
Lucas Morais has a Master Degree in Computer Science from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, where he worked with an international team for adding native Task Parallelism support to RISC-V based multi-core systems. Previously, he received a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Campinas, being accoladed as the best student of his class by the Engineering Council of the São Paulo State.
He is also the creator of PDF Shelter, a free online PDF manipulation tool that overcomes several limitations of established alternatives by performing all conversions within the user’s own browser, avoiding the privacy and speed penalties of transferring data to remote servers.
Personal website: https://pdfshelter.com
Research interests:OpenMP 4.0 Runtime Development, Task Parallelism, Hardware acceleration
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