SPLASH 2016 (series) / Marcus Denker

Registered user since Fri 21 Aug 2015
Name:Marcus Denker
Marcus Denker is a permanent researcher (CR1, with tenure) at INRIA Lille - Nord Europe. Before, he was a postdoc at the PLEIAD lab/DCC University of Chile and the Software Composition Group, University of Bern. His research focuses on reflection and meta-programming for dynamic languages. He is an active participant in the Squeak and Pharo open source communities for many years. Marcus Denker received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Bern/Switzerland in 2008 and a Dipl.-Inform. (MSc) from the University of Karlsruhe/Germany in 2004. He is a member of ACM, GI and a board-member of ESUG.
Affiliation: INRIA Lille
Personal website: http://marcusdenker.de
Research interests:Reflective Systems, Software Evolution, Language Design, Implementation of Dynamic Languages, Compilers
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