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Sun 30 October - Fri 4 November 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands
Priya Nagpurkar

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Name:Priya Nagpurkar

Priya Nagpurkar is a research staff member and manager at I.B.M.’s T.J. Watson Research Center. She currently manages the Cloud DevOps group in the Cloud Platform and Services department. Priya and her group work on tools and technologies to enable the next generation of DevOps capabilities for cloud environments. Her research interests include program analysis, software testing, debugging, and performance analysis and optimization, especially for distributed systems.

Her previous work at IBM focused on characterizing and optimizing emerging workloads across different layers of the application and system stack, with an emphasis on language runtimes and processor architecture and design. Priya received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara in September 2007

Country:United States
Affiliation:IBM Research, USA


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