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Sun 30 October - Fri 4 November 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tue 1 Nov 2016 13:30 - 14:30 at Hamburg - Session 3 Chair(s): Sandrine Blazy

Please note that PLMW is a full-day event, to create a relaxed environment for the students to interact with each other and the speakers, we ask people with an interest in PLMW to not attend specific sessions but rather take part in the workshop and join for the whole day.

My research interests are in the area of programming languages, operating systems, object-oriented systems and distributed computing, and more specifically in the region where they overlap (such as language design for distributed Object-oriented computing.) My favorite system for trying out ideas is Squeak Smalltalk. I have written a few Squeak goodies that I believe are generally useful. I have been actively working on Traits with the folks from SCG in Bern; see Nathanael Schärli’s Traits page for details. I’m a co-author of two books on Smalltalk programming, Squeak by Example, and Pharo By Example.

Tue 1 Nov

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

13:30 - 15:10
Session 3PLMW at Hamburg
Chair(s): Sandrine Blazy IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Why Programming Languages Matter
Andrew Black Portland State University
Panel: Young Researchers
Nada Amin EPFL, Casper Bach Delft University of Technology, Vincent St-Amour Northeastern University