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Sun 30 October - Fri 4 November 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tue 1 Nov 2016 16:30 - 17:20 at Matterhorn 3 - Session 6 Chair(s): Tiark Rompf

What do we know about software development? A whole lot and at the same time surprisingly little. Some of the things that we know came to us through folklore, stories of how something happened in a specific project, for a specific programming language. One such element of folklore is the assumption that software developers spend around 50% of their time on testing and debugging. While no-one would disagree that these phases are essential in software development, the real effort it takes is unknown. What is more, also the things that software engineers are struggling with during testing or debugging are not know to us. In this talk, we will analyse how developers perform developer testing, how they use Continuous Integration related to testing and how debugging is done. From a research perspective, but also from a very practical developer-oriented perspective. This talk goes to show that both researchers and developers can benefit from software analytics.

Andy Zaidman is an assistant professor at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He received his MSc and PhD from the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Since 2006 he has been at Delft University of Technology.

His research interests include software testing, software evolution and software analytics. He is an active member of the research community and has been involved in the organisation of conferences such as ICSME, WCRE (general chair & program chair), CSMR, VISSOFT (program chair) and MSR (general chair). in 2013 he received a prestigious NWO Vidi career grant from NWO, the Dutch science foundation, for his work in the area of software testing and software evolution. In 2015 he gave a talk a TEDxDelft “Making Testing Fun”.

Tue 1 Nov

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

15:40 - 17:20
Session 6SPLASH-I at Matterhorn 3
Chair(s): Tiark Rompf Purdue University, USA
Type-driven Development in Idris
Edwin Brady University of St Andrews
Fact or fiction? What software analytics can do for us (developers and researchers)
Andy Zaidman TU Delft
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